May 21 2014
That’s what we were about Tuesday night.
Linda Diano (me) opened the night but didn’t confess too much!
She set the stage and spoke about a passion for wanting to use sport as a way of improving lives and connecting communities. She referenced Nelson Mandela and his comment that ‘sport has the power to change the world.’
This is why she inviting everyone to declare 2015 The Year of Women in Sport. Why? The FIFA Women’s World Cup of Soccer is coming to Canada and this is an opportunity to raise awareness beyond the pitch.
She also shared the newly created Canadian Spirit in Sport Awards and the initial monies raised give it early momentum.

Linda Diano talks about Declaring a Year of Women in the Canadian Spirit in Sport Award. Find her on twitter at @thepowerinsport .
Then the evening turned over to Chang Han ( who led the way confessing what the inside of his entrepreneurial world looks like to a small yet quality group at Vancouver’s Cottage Bistro.
He shared the challenges of needing to infuse more money into his business – where would the money come from? Keeping in mind how much has already been invested and now another hit of cash was needed. These are the challenges of his business.

Chang Han, our keynote on ‘Confessions of an Entrepreneur Business Junkie.’ Find him on twitter as @changchatter.
He shared how good he is at multi-tasking and taking on multiple projects but he sometimes doesn’t know his limits and takes on too much.
He shared his audacious goal of making $ 1 Million encouraging us to dream big too.
After small breakout group discussion, he skillfully handled a Q&A. Questions ranged from creating trust to networking tips. Chang handled it all flawlessly!
My notes from Chang’s talk —
In closing…
We thank our faithful supporters – The Cottage Bistro (4470 Main Street) with amazing food and our server Nicole, JJ Bean throwing in a few gift cards (thanks Stephen Peters), and Uprising Bakery on Venebles providing the tasty bundt cake.
Much appreciation goes to Simon Lau (co-organizer and greeter), John Doyle (co-organizer, photographer, videographer), and our keynote marathon guest speaker Chang Han (@changchatter on twitter).
Until next time…
Pictures of the event…