Story night – Tues Nov 19th

flyer _images_by Robin Toma Nov 12 2013

Like Sport? Like Inspiration? New initiatives?

Well have we got a night for you.

Announcing “Stories & The Power in Sport Event”  #thepowerinsport

Storyteller/speakers – 

+ Linda Diano, host & MC – former senior manager in biotechnology, UBC grad, ran UBC Varsity track. Management consultant. Co-Founder of the Power in Sport. She will introduce the evening with a short story and an invitation to take a declaration.

+Andrea Neil – Canadian Hall of Fame member (Soccer).  Head Coach, UBC Women’s Varsity Soccer Team. Born with displaced hips, she was told she wouldn’t be able to run. That didn’t stop her…come hear Andrea’s message on perspective.

+Thelma Wright – ’72 & ’76 Olympian (150om – track);  IAAF Cross-Country Committee member; sessional instuctor UBC School of Kinesiology; mother of four including 2 Olympians. Her story is about the ’72 Munich Olympics and how the tragedy impacted her experience and how she looks at the world.

+ Peter Ormesher  financier turned social entrepreneur, Honorary Fellow at UBC (Business), Founder of an international non-profit, father of two. He will speak about quitting hockey as a young teenager followed by his positive experience of coming back to play in the Hamburger Hockey League.  

+Ryan Walter (video) – sending in a specially made video story!  Current president of the AHL Abbotsford Heat; former NHL’er; speaker and author.

+ Linda Peterson – life coach, teacher with advanced training for elementary school children, and mother of two.  She speaks about how she learned to persevere through adversity to play soccer at a time in her life when she deeply needed it. 



Announcement & invitation to you to sign-on for the DECLARATION FOR WOMEN IN SPORT. Come and be a part of this new inspiring initiative that you can make happen.



You are invited to a special evening.


We believe in the power in sport.  We are sharing our stories of how sport has shaped us and contributed to who we are today.


Come hear from people who share our conviction about sport – they are living proof!  Hear from 2 former international female athletes; hear from 2 professionals whom have benefited from recreational sport in soccer & hockey.  They will share their transforming experiences in sport and how sport shaped them.

When? – Tuesday November 19, 2013

6:00 pm An Icebreaker, Networking & Connecting  (+food at the Bistro) + claim your seat

7:15 Stories that will change your life!


Where? – The Cottage Bistro

4470 Main St.Vancouver


By donation (give a toonie, give a $20, or anything in between); $10 gets you a free drink (beer/wine).

Looking forward to seeing you!  Share this invitation with your friends, come early for appies or dinner and an icebreaker.


Come one, come all!



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thepowerinsport flyer final Nov 12 2013








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