Breaking news…
we have a new group join #PlayitForward.
Welcome to the AMPJF(The Association Malienne pour la Promotion de la Jeune Fille et de la Femme | The Malian Association for the Advancement of Girl and Woman) from Bamako, Mali in Africa!
They will join the #playitforwardtribe and play soccer for 20 minutes and 15 seconds on Thursday June 25th during the Women’s World Cup!
So exciting!
The Malian Association for the Advancement of Girl and Woman ( AMPJF ) is a national NGO Mali. It works the positive and sustainable social change adolescents through the power of football, making them the main actors in their own development.
The AMPJF is hosting the Football for Hope center Baguinéda , the project of 20 2010 FIFA centers.
Read about them at