Important Update – Play it Forward is live

This message was sent to our Subscribers List today Feb 23 2015.

Thank you for your support and interest in The Power in Sport.

Your community giving and building event – the event I put together for your communities to celebrate our declaration 2015 – The Year of Women in Sport and to give back – is officially launched.

Already we have confirmation that groups of 100 or more in Vancouver, Burnaby, Winnipeg, and Moncton will host Play it Forward Day on Sunday, June 28th.

You and your network can create an event for your community to celebrate the Year of Women in Sport. In doing so, you give back by raising awareness and funds to reduce violence to girls and women.

All you need to do is organize to play soccer in your community. We give you the materials on our new starter website


Would you like to see

· your network participate and have fun in their community during their Women’s World Cup of Soccer? After all, it is their Women’s World Cup because their Canada is the host.

· would you like to see your boys, young men and men participate in their community during their Women’s World Cup of Soccer? More, the boys, many of whom have mothers or sisters, can build their enthusiasm for all women, girls and soccer.

· would you like to see your girls and women build on their enthusiasm for their Women’s World Cup of Soccer and their ‘girl power’?

Would you like to capture the imagination of your players and parents and volunteers by involving them in setting an inaugural record for “Play it Forward”? An inaugural record for the number of people playing soccer on a single day to help others in their community.

Then Play it Forward is for you.

Hope to see you playing fun recreational anyone-can-play soccer during the Women’s World Cup!

With appreciation,



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