Why a declaration

[lead_p]Often I am asked why Declare 2015 – The Year of Women in Sport, what good will it do, what change will it trigger.

To understand this, we need to look at the power of language and our words. Some argue that our word is all we have. That our future is created from our word and we make change through our words. These words start with ourselves and then are spread and shared through conversations. Words are the language of commitment.

words have power

[lead_p]Think of a time you made a positive change in your life.[/lead_p] It started by saying something and saying it out loud. For example, ‘I want to go to college’ or ‘I want to get fit’ or ‘I need to get a new job.’ These are just a few examples and they all precede taking definitive action.

[lead_p]Let me explain what a declaration is. [/lead_p] The language of ‘declaration’ is a way of making a statement in the present about what we hope for the future. It is a way of changing our life and conditions for something better. To ‘declare’ something is to make a statement about the future.
The previous examples, ‘I want to go to college’ or ‘I want to get fit’ or ‘I need to get a new job’, they are all declarations.

[lead_p] When we declared “2015 – The Year of Women in Sport!” we were inspired by the FIFA Women’s World Cup for one reason and this reason generates great benefit.[/lead_p]

This is the single largest elite sporting event for women in the world. There is nothing bigger. This particular World Cup is even bigger than prior women’s tournaments with an increase to a 24 country tournament over the previous 16 countries. It is the biggest tournament ever for women.

We know this is important because for the for the first time ever , the World Cup is coming to Canada! It will be in our own backyard and inspire us in ways we cannot anticipate and give us new out-of-the-ordinary experiences. Just imagine the young girls and boys who will hear of the World Cup or watch a game on TV or in person and think ‘I want to do that!’ This is a priceless opportunity that comes infrequently. We want to make the most of it.

Then there’s the media coverage. We know that women are rarely the sole holders of the spotlight. In the upcoming months and particularly during the tournament we expect a greater-than-usual level of media attention to be afforded to elite female soccer players. Now women will be in the spotlight for a period of time.

These reasons inspired us to declare “2015 – The Year of Women in Sport!” You might have several of your own. For example, the Pan American Games in Toronto are also a good reason to declare, as is the Canada Winter Games in Prince George in February, and other national events.

[lead_p] What impact will it have? [/lead_p] Now that we have taken the first step with the declaration, the next question is what will we do to recognize this declaration.

Impact is initiated by organizations and individuals who feel they have the authority and motivation to take action. What does the declaration inspire you to do that is in line with who you are or your mission? A sport organization may choose to celebrate sport and a business may choose to offer a special service or product offering to recognize their declaration.

For example, a local Field Hockey Club here in Vancouver is going to profile a prominent woman in their club on a monthly basis to their membership. It doesn’t matter to them that the World Cup is soccer-focussed. They are celebrating their sport.

Another example, a local youth soccer program with 1200 participants are holding a special soccer day. This is a result of their declaration.

[lead_p] The point is making a declaration is a first step, not the only step. [/lead_p]

It inspires action to bring our future closer in line with what we want it to be.

An inspiration arising from my personal declaration “2015 The Year of Women in Sport” is to create the program called ‘Play it Forward.’ This program is going ahead and has connected with two other organizations. Each will host an event in their community on Sunday June 28th – one in East Vancouver and one in Burnaby. It is an opportunity to bring people together to use sport to raise awareness for a cause. The idea is that on a single day, people in different locations play sport and involve charities/non-profits. Together we raise awareness by using the internet as to our collective efforts. All this inspired by the declaration 2015 The Year of Women in Sport.

I believe the varied ways in which organizations and individuals will activate and express their declaration in the year ahead will only bring positive change for our communities and particularly sport and women in sport.

[lead_p]Whether you add your name or not to the declaration (see below) isn’t important. What is important is you make a declaration and take action to the extent it aligns with who you are. [/lead_p]

Take action to make a better and more positive future. That’s how we make change in our lives, in our communities and beyond.

To get started with the declaration and follow us as we progress and share ideas and stories go to http://ideclare2015.com/now and add your name.

To join our email list to be updated, add your name at http://thepowerinsport.com/signmeup

To see who has declared 2015 The Year of Women in Sport, take a look here http://thepowerinsport.com/declaration/declarers-listing/



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